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Engineering & Cut-up

Clients often run into a few bumps on there way to production.

3D printing and CAD meshes are never ready for production until they have gone through a process..

One I find I have a unique skill for .

Complex connectors fittings and pegs, hidden inside for  fine sculpture. Adjustable disc cuts for customizing and movement required for some toys and figures for gaming can be achieved for perfect fit.

Property of Collapse industries. Sculpted by Josh P Crockett


Steel injection molding are one of my specialty.

Large prints can be achived with cut up and pegging for smaller 3d print beds without loosing the integridy of

the model.

Property of Collapse industries. Sculpted by Grant Cross

Sculpted by Tim Barry

Cuts and fittings can be rendered and displayed for

easy instructional reference for the customer.

Property of Collapse industries. Sculpted by Les Garner

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